News & Video Editor Tue, 15 Jun 2021 21:36:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Roguebook Review – Another Card Game Falls a Bit Short Tue, 15 Jun 2021 15:05:58 +0000 Roguebook is a fine attempt at the roguelike card game genre but does the game do enough to stand out from its predecessors?

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New But Not Unique

As a fan of games like Slay the Spire and Monster Train, I immediately became interested in Roguebook after seeing the announcement trailer earlier this year. After spending some time playing it myself, I’m reminded of one thing: I am a fan of Slay the Spire and Monster Train but not necessarily games like Slay the Spire and Monster Train.

Roguebook is a fine game, in fact, I enjoy it playing it. However, I don’t think it’s a spectacular game – at least not as it stands today.

Roguebook is a new take on the roguelike-card game subgenre with clear inspirations from titles like the two listed above. You play as a small group of heroes set out on a quest to repaint and revive the world of Faeria. The path you take to achieve that goal is up to you as you create your own world using your paintbrush and ink. You can head straight to the boss ahead of you or detour off the beaten path to take on more enemies and to better prepare yourself for the battle that lays ahead. The option to create your own path is nice as it gives you the freedom to make the run as easy or as difficult as you want – but keep in mind it might not always be the wisest move to tackle every battle you can.

A Fine Cast of Characters

There are four different characters to play as with two being unlocked right from the start. Every time you start a new run you select which two characters you want in your party – equipping a deck unique to those two. You’ll find and add more character-specific cards to your deck throughout the run and can even level your characters to unlock unique traits that will help you in battle.

Sharra is a Dragonslayer that uses lightning-fast moves to deal powerful and cost-effective damage with a variety of cheap cards. Sorocco the first mate serves as a tank with a deck full of defensive cards ready to shield his allies. Seifer is known as the Blood Tyrant for a reason as he is able to deal big damage while summoning his own army of minions to attack by his side. Finally, Aurora the Mythmaker is the ultimate support, ready to buff her allies and manipulate time to keep them safe.

Battles consist of your standard card game mechanics. You’ll start each turn with a limited number of energy to use and a hand full of offensive and defense cards. One character will take the lead standing in front of the other, taking the brunt of the attacks at the end of the enemy’s turn. Luckily, there are cards that can switch the placement of your two fighters such as the basic defense cards every deck starts off. Depending on the traits and relics your characters have, you’ll gain specific bonuses for your placement, adding an extra layer of strategy.

Cards can be found and drafted throughout the world and can even be upgraded by crafting them with a special gem with a unique attribute such as “Draw a card” or “Heal your party for x amount”. Additionally, relics can be bought or won through battle and can be equipped to the character of your choosing or to the party as a whole, with each offering its own benefits. There is a lot of freedom in how you play Roguebook which is definitely a bonus.

The music is nice and atmospheric but didn’t overly stand out as anything special to me. The same goes for the graphics, its a cute and pretty fantasy game that looks really good but the art style isn’t that unique. While the characters are cool, the game doesn’t really stand out – which is ultimately my main problem with the game, it’s nothing special.

A Solid Attempt

The biggest thing that distinguishes a truly great roguelike from all of the others – and trust me, there are a lot of them now – is originality. Roguebook definitely tries to be original with its open-world map and dual-character combat system, but in the end, it just feels like another rip-off of Slay the Spire. Monster Train was another game that was clearly inspired by Slay the Spire and incorporated a lot of the same or very similar gameplay mechanics, but at the same time, it still felt unique. It added a whole extra genre to the game with its tower defense mechanics, and while Roguebook tries to do something new, it doesn’t go that far.

I also ran into pretty frequent technical problems, having the game crash on me multiple times when returning to a run or trying to load up a new one. Hopefully, that will be sorted out in the final release, but it definitely hindered the experience a tad not knowing whether or not I’ll lose my run due to a game crash and not lack of slack and poor decision-making like usual.

If you’re looking for something new to play and are a fan of roguelike card games, then you’ll probably have a good time with Roguebook. It’s a fun game and does a solid job of being what it is – when it works that is. However, if you’re looking for the next big genre-defying roguelike then you might be a bit disappointed as Roguebook isn’t really that. It is a good game, just not an incredible one and maybe that’s enough.

**PC code was provided by the publisher.**

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Pac-Man 99 Review – A Classic Given a Fresh New Take Tue, 20 Apr 2021 14:03:23 +0000 Nintendo Switch Online has added a new exclusive title, Pac-Man 99. Here are our thoughts on the classic arcade game turned battle royale.

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Pac-Man 99 Review

Nintendo Switch Online doesn’t offer too much for those looking to play something new. The service heavily relies on its NES and SNES Classic libraries to serve as its main selling point outside of the obvious requirement to play games online. However, every now and then Nintendo steps somewhat outside the box and releases an original idea. In 2019, they released Tetris 99, a free title for those with Nintendo Switch Online subscriptions that combine classic Tetris gameplay with modern battle royale mechanics. After seeing what a success the game was, they did it again with Super Mario Bros. 35 (Rest In Peace) and most recently with Pac-Man 99. Now, it’s been a few years since Tetris 99 released and the concept has lost its novelty a bit now that it’s been done a couple of times. So, the question is does Pac-Man 99 hit the same way Tetris or Mario did? To put it simply, it does.

Pac-Man 99 combines traditional Pac-Man gameplay; eating pellets, avoiding ghosts, etc., with the added challenge of simultaneously competing against 98 other players to be the last Pac-Man standing. While the core gameplay consists of classic Pac-Man mechanics, it adds some new combat elements as players are able to send additional enemies known as “Jammer Pac-Mans” to slow their competitors down, as well as special red Jammer Pac-Mans that will instantly kill you if you touch them.

Similar to Tetris 99, players are able to choose between Random, Knockout, Hunter, and Counter options with each targeting a different type of player. While the Counter option targets players attacking you, the Knockout option focuses your attacks on players who are close to elimination – learning what these options do and when to use them is a great asset especially when the player count gets pretty low.

A Fresh New Take On Classic Gameplay

There are also special power-up options that can give you a bit of an edge during the round. These options include Standard, Speed, Strong, and Train; all of which give you a special bonus when you are using a power pellet. It’s important to learn what each power does and to come up with a strategy to really take advantage of the additional help.

There are also other ways to improve your odds. Clearing the board of every pellet gives you a speed boost and you can get consistent short-term speed boosts by turning a corner perfectly. If you’re a fan of Pac-Man’s gameplay and enjoyed the new mechanics added in Tetris 99, then you’ll find a lot to love about Pac-Man 99. Rounds are also pretty short in comparison to most multiplayer games making it incredibly easy to pop back in for one more round.

In addition to the free-to-play option included with your Nintendo Switch Online subscription, Pac-Man 99 has some DLC that adds new modes and custom themes. For starters, if you ever want to play the game without a Wi-Fi connection or if your Nintendo Switch Online subscription runs out and you decide not to renew it, the only way to play the game offline is through the various DLC modes. CPU Battle allows you to play the game’s standard 99-player mode against CPU players. CPU Battle has several different difficulty and speed options to choose from, making it a great way to practice if you find yourself getting knocked out rather early when playing online. It’s also a great option to have in case Nintendo ever decides to shut down the game’s servers like they did with Super Mario Bros. 35.

More Options For Those Willing to Play

In addition to the CPU mode, there’s also the Score Attack and Blind Time Attack modes, both of which offer a fun single-player option more akin to the traditional Pac-Man experience, as well as a Private mode where you can play with friends. The DLC also adds 20 custom themes based on other classic Namco games like Dig Dug, Galaga, and Baraduke. While I liked having the option to customize the game’s theme, some of the new themes were hard to look at and hindered my experience a bit. I personally preferred to stick to the default Pac-Man theme as it just fits the game so well.

If you’re just looking to play Pac-Man 99 online, then you’re not missing out on too much if you decide not to pick up the DLC, however, if you are interested in playing the single-player modes or want to play offline, then the DLC is definitely worth it. You can also buy the new DLC modes separate from the custom themes DLC if you are only interested in the added game modes and not the aesthetics.

Speaking of aesthetics, while the music and graphics look and sound fantastic, there are A LOT of them. No, seriously, this game throws so many effects on your screen that it can legitimately be disorienting. There are also occasional frame drops as a result of all of the excessive visual effects, though for the most part, I found it kept a pretty solid framerate.

Overall I’m really enjoying Pac-Man 99. It’s a great pick-up and play title for when you have just a couple of minutes and are looking for something to do. The gameplay is fast-paced, competitive, and surprisingly addicting. If you have a Nintendo Switch Online subscription, there’s no reason not to give the game a shot.

***A Nintendo Switch code for the game and DLC was provided by the publisher***

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Cozy Grove Review – A Beautifully Haunting Camping Trip Thu, 08 Apr 2021 15:54:32 +0000 As a new Spirit Scout, Cozy Grove throws you onto an island full of ghosts in need of assistance. Is this camping trip a fun weekend away or a miserable trip in the woods? Read our review to find out.

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Cozy Grove (Switch) Review

Cozy Grove is a beautifully hand-drawn life simulation game, throwing you in the role of a Spirit Scout stranded on a deserted island with the task of saving the lost souls haunting the land. That description may sound a bit conflicting with the mix of the words “beautiful” and “haunting” but that melting pot of contrasting ideas is exactly what gives Cozy Grove its charm. Despite the ghostly themes and similar art direction to the survival game, Don’t Starve, the game is in no way scary, in fact, it’s adorable.

The atmosphere in Cozy Grove is welcoming, warm, and dare I say it, cozy. The hand-drawn graphics build an incredibly unique and inviting world filled with adorable characters. Pair it with some of the most calming music I’ve heard in a while and you have a recipe for success in the cute department.

When you start the game you’ll be able to customize your character. The options available aren’t the most complex but there’s enough to make your character feel unique. There are also no gender options to choose from which is a welcomed addition that more games need to embrace moving forward.

A Uniquely Adorable Package

From here on out you’re playing with the same core gameplay loop, as a Spirit Scout, your goal is to help the spirits you meet throughout the island pass on by assisting them with whatever monotonous task they need completed. Helping these spirits can mean anything from finding a lost item like a teacup or a letter to gathering the materials needed for them to craft you a useful tool, or to complete a task such as catching a certain number of rare fish. The tasks themselves are relatively short and can be done rather quickly. This short and sweet gameplay loop is actually the core premise of the game.

Cozy Grove runs on a real-world time system, so when an hour passes in real life, an hour passes in the game. Certain tasks require you to wait for time to pass before you are able to complete them and as a result, you aren’t going to be able to complete Cozy Grove in a day, in fact, you likely aren’t going to get very far. This is one of the game’s greatest strengths or weaknesses depending on your preferred play style. Cozy Grove encourages you to play the game every day for about 20-30 minutes, enough time to complete your daily tasks and to call it a day. You can stretch this play time out by spending some time fishing, gathering resources, or decorating your island. But regardless, you won’t be able to progress too far.

If you’re the type that only has a small amount of time to game each day, then Cozy Grove might be a great fit for you as the game is perfect for these short bursts, offering a sense of satisfaction as you complete tasks and progress the story. However, if you aren’t this type of player and would lose interest in a game after playing it for short periods for weeks on end, then this might not be the best fit for you.

The Animal in the Room

If you’ve had a Switch for a while now then there’s a good chance you were one of the 30 million+ people who picked up Animal Crossing: New Horizons since its release just over a year ago in March 2020. While I was one of the game’s early adopters picking it up within the first couple of days after its release, I dropped it relatively early in comparison to the more devoted fans. By relatively early, I mean I played the game for 80+ hours from March until July. Yes, that is a short period of time compared to other New Horizon players, but still, a decent chunk of my time went into that game last year. What does this have to do with Cozy Grove? It’s simple. If you’re a fan of Animal Crossing, there is a very high chance you’ll enjoy Cozy Grove, but on the flip side of that, if you disliked Animal Crossing or have never played it, then you might have a harder time getting into the groove of the grove.

Cozy Grove is not a rip-off of Animal Crossing, it is its own unique title with its own unique set of strengths and weaknesses. That being said, Animal Crossing is clearly a major influence on the game and the two have their similarities.

Where Cozy Grove sets itself apart from Animal Crossing is its focus on its unique and spooky twist: the spirits. Each spirit has its own story to get through. While Animal Crossing’s villagers all look and feel unique, they don’t get the same level of development as the spirits in Cozy Grove as they all fall into a certain archetype as either “Peppy” or a “Jock”. In Cozy Grove, every character is unique and gets the extra treatment needed to highlight that. As I’ve only been playing the game for about a week, I can’t really comment on how good the individual storylines are as it takes a fair bit of time to progress through them, but from what I’ve seen so far the writing is decent and interesting enough to make each character feel unique and developed.

Decorating Your Island Is Uhhh… an Option! 

While the writing and themes of Cozy Grove are great, the game does fall short in some other ways, namely decorating. Occasionally you’ll receive a piece of furniture from a spirit or through the local vendor. These items can be placed anywhere on the island, however, placing these decorations feels a little clunky as you have to navigate the menu to drop the item and can’t really see what it will look like when placed until you do so. I just never really felt incentivized to decorate my camp and items came rather rarely. It’s neat that this is a feature in the game and with enough time and practice you might be able to make some nice worlds, but with pretty limited storage space I felt like I had to place everything as soon as I got it. As a result, I couldn’t really plan out a design. I wouldn’t recommend Cozy Grove based on this aspect alone, but it is nice that it’s in there.

Cozy Grove is an adorable little time-waster, but depending on your play style, the level of commitment this game requires might not work for you. The core gameplay loop is fun for the most part but after playing for a couple of days every task feels the same as the last, making the whole experience fairly repetitive. The game offers a cute and relaxing experience for the right player and for anyone with an interest in life sim games like Animal Crossing or the Sims, I definitely recommend it. However, if you aren’t already a fan of this genre, Cozy Grove likely won’t change your opinion on it.

***Nintendo Switch code provided by the publisher***

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Marvel’s Avengers, Borderlands 3 and The Long Dark Join PlayStation Now Mon, 05 Apr 2021 18:00:49 +0000 Marvel's Avengers, Borderlands 3, and The Long Dark will be joining PlayStation Now's line-up starting tomorrow, April 6.

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Sign-Up For a 7-Day Trial

Sony has announced three new titles that will be added to their subscription service, PlayStation Now later this month. The April line-up includes Marvel’s Avengers, Borderlands 3, and The Long Dark, each of which will be available for different  timeframes.

All three games will be available starting tomorrow, April 6. While Marvel’s Avengers will be available until Monday July 5, 2021, Borderlands 3 will be available until Wednesday September 29, 2021. The Long Dark currently does not have a removal date listed and will be available for the foreseeable future.

Here is a brief description of each title:

Marvel’s Avengers: “Marvel’s Avengers is an epic, third-person, action-adventure game that combines an original, cinematic story with single-player and co-operative gameplay. In a future with Super Heroes outlawed, a young Kamala Khan must reassemble the Avengers to stop AIM. Marvel’s Avengers continues the epic journey with new Heroes and new narrative delivered on an ongoing basis, for the definitive Avengers gaming experience. Assemble into a team of up to four players online, master extraordinary abilities, customize a growing roster of Heroes, and defend the Earth from escalating threats.”

Borderlands 3: “The original shooter-looter returns, packing bazillions of guns and a mayhem-fueled adventure! Blast through new worlds and enemies as one of four new Vault Hunters, each with deep skill trees, abilities, and customization. Play solo or with friends to take on insane enemies, score loads of loot and save your home from the most ruthless cult leaders in the galaxy. Play with anyone at any time online or in split-screen co-op, regardless of your level or mission progress.”

The Long Dark: “The Long Dark is a thoughtful, exploration-survival experience that challenges solo players to think for themselves as they explore an expansive frozen wilderness in the aftermath of a geomagnetic disaster. There are no zombies — only you, the cold, and all the threats Mother Nature can muster.”

If you don’t already have a PlayStation Now subscription, starting on Wednesday, April 7, you can sign up for a 7-day free trial for PS4 and PS5.


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Monster Hunter Rise Reaches 5 Million Units Sold in First Week and a Half Mon, 05 Apr 2021 13:11:41 +0000 Monster Hunter Rise has officially surpassed 5 million units sold less than 2 weeks after the game's initial launch on the Nintendo Switch.

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Capcom Announces Monstrous Sales Numbers for Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise launched to an incredible opening weekend, selling over 4 million copies within its first couple of days available. Capcom has now announced that since the game’s launch on March 26, Monster Hunter Rise has officially sold over 5 million units globally.

Monster Hunter Rise is the latest Monster Hunter title, and is currently available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch, with a PC version set to release sometime in early 2022.

Now that the game has surpassed 5 million units sold, it has officially surpassed the last Monster Hunter title to release on the Nintendo Switch, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, which as of September 2020, previously sold about 4 million units since its release in 2018.

It’ll still be some time until the game surpasses the reigning Monster Hunter king, Monster Hunter World, which has sold over 16 million copies across the PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 versions of the game as of November 2020.

Capcom credits part of the game’s successful launch to the two demos they made available prior to the game’s release.

“The title garnered critical acclaim following the release of two demos featuring both local and online cooperative play prior to launch, with resulting shipments exceeding 4 million units.”

It’s not just Monster Hunter Rise’s sale figures that are looking good at launch as the game has been getting critical praise and extremely positive reviews.

Monster Hunter Rise isn’t the only game from the series fans get to enjoy this year as the turn-based monster capturing spin-off, Monster Hunter Stories: Wings of Ruin is set to release this July.

Monster Hunter Rise has the potential to be the best-selling entry in the series and with Monster Hunter Stories: Wings of Ruin releasing so closely behind it, this is going to be a great year for Capcom.


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Xbox Advocates for Game Preservation While Nintendo and PlayStation Remove Titles From Stores Thu, 01 Apr 2021 23:17:18 +0000 Xbox confirms their stance on game preservation as they make more of their legacy titles available through Xbox Cloud Gaming.

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Xbox Wants to Preserve Games Players Both New and Old

For quite some time now Xbox has been pretty clear on their stance when it comes to games preservation and making games as accessible to players as possible. Whether it’s their backward compatible line-up, their Xbox Game Pass subscription, or their new Xbox Cloud Gaming service — the company has done made their legacy titles as accessible to modern platforms as they were on the systems they originally released for.

Just yesterday, Xbox announced that a series of Original Xbox and Xbox 360 titles were now available through Xbox Cloud Gaming as a part of their Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription. These titles included games such as The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, the Xbox 360 exclusive, Kameo, and even the Xbox Arcade versions of Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie which originally released on the Nintendo 64.

In a response to a thankful Twitter user, Xbox doubled down on its stance on game preservation.

“As time goes on, it becomes more important than ever that we ensure gaming icons and classics are preserved for new and old players alike,” Xbox replied. “Whether your first time playing Morrowind is from 2002 on your Xbox or 2021 on your phone, we’re excited to share these experiences with you!”

Xbox further expanding access to their legacy titles may not seem like a big deal to some, but at a time where Nintendo is removing new Mario titles from stores, and PlayStation is removing the option to purchase entire catalogs of games, Xbox’s decision to support their older titles is a bit of a unique stance to take right now.



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Sony Japan Veteran, Masami Yamamoto Forms New Indie Studio Thu, 01 Apr 2021 22:46:31 +0000 Masami Yamamoto, a Sony Japan veteran known for his work on titles like Bloodborne, has officially formed his new studio, EPIGRAsm.

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EPIGRAsm Formed By Former Sony Executive 

Masami Yamamoto, the former executive producer and external production director for Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Studio, has announced his new game studio, EPIGRAsm.

“I apologize if this sounds like an April Fools’ joke, but on March 31, I established the company EPIGRAsm,” Yamamoto said in a tweet translated by Gematsu“I’ve had the privilege of living life through the things I love, so from now on I would like to ‘live with the people I love’ as a driving principle. I’ll continue to do my best in all areas including game production!”

Yamamoto has previously worked on PlayStation exclusive titles Bloodborne, Rain, Soul Sacrifice, Freedom Wars, Tokyo Jungle, and the No Heroes Allowed series, amongst others.

The announcement of EPIGRAsm’s formation comes as Sony officially absorbs their Japan Studio into Team ASOBI.

Back in February, a Sony Interactive Entertainment representative confirmed to VGC that they would be winding things down for their Japan Studio and that the studio will be absorbed into Team ASOBI today on April 1st.

“In an effort to further strengthen business operations, SIE can confirm PlayStation Studios JAPAN Studio will be re-organized into a new organization on April 1. JAPAN Studio will be re-centered to Team ASOBI, the creative team behind Astro’s PLAYROOM, allowing the team to focus on a single vision and build on the popularity of Astro’s PLAYROOM,” a spokesperson told VGC. “In addition, the roles of external production, software localization, and IP management of JAPAN Studio titles will be concentrated within the global functions of PlayStation Studios.”

At this time there is no new information as to what kind of titles EPIGRAsm will be working on, or whether Yamamoto will stick closely to his PlayStation ties or branch out into other platforms now that he has the freedom to do so.


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The Elder Scrolls Online Is Getting a Next-Gen Enhanced Edition Wed, 31 Mar 2021 22:23:26 +0000 Bethesda has announced that the enhanced version of The Elder Scrolls Online is coming to Xbox Series X/S and PS5 this summer.

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Explore Tamriel Like Never Before

Bethesda has announced that The Elder Scrolls Online: Console Enhanced Edition will be releasing for Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5 this summer. The enhanced edition will launch with the Blackwood Chapter and Update 30 on June 30.

The enhanced edition will be available for purchase for players who haven’t already bought a previous version of the game but will be offered for free for those who already own the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One version of the game.

While Bethesda says they will reveal more information about the ESO: Console Enhanced in the future, here is a shortlist of features being implemented into the game straight from the Elder Scrolls Online website.

  • 60 FPS: For the first time, you can experience the game running at 60 frames per second when in “Performance Mode” on console. Previously capped at 30FPS, you can now enjoy a crisp 60FPS throughout your adventures.
  • Increased Draw Distance: Thanks to Console Enhanced, the game’s draw distance has almost been doubled for your new console, allowing you to see more than ever before when exploring the ever-growing world of Tamriel.
  • Unlocked Textures: In addition to Draw Distance, we’ve also unlocked the ability for new-gen consoles to use high resolution textures so that they look even better on larger screens.
  • Updated Antialiasing: Improved antialiasing is also in place to help smooth out the jagged edges of foliage, grass, and structures in game while also sharpening these elements when viewed up close.
  • Improved Reflections: We’ve also improved visuals with the addition of planar reflections, providing a massive boost to the game’s level of detail and realism. This is most noticeable in areas with water (such as Vivec City or Summerset). Note that when in Performance Mode, the boost to reflections might vary in water-heavy zones (such as Murkmire) or in areas where performance is most valued (such as in Cyrodiil or Trials).
  • Improved Ambient Occlusion with Screen Space Global Illumination: Upgrades to the game’s ambient occlusion with SSGI creates more realistic and natural indirect lighting and broadly boosts the level of detail in the game’s shadows.
  • Improved Shadows: Speaking of shadows, shadow resolution has been doubled and set to the PC equivalent of “Ultra”—the best possible setting for shadows in any version of ESO. This includes improvements to shadow distance.
  • Improved Depth of Field: The upgrade enables circular depth of field (the highest possible setting), creating smoother and more realistic background views, particularly when interacting with NPCs.
  • Improved Loading Times: Finally, loading times have been tuned to be much faster than previous generation consoles, with loading times being nearly cut in half on average.

You can check out The Elder Scrolls Online next-generation update trailer below:


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Banjo-Kazooie, Fable II and More Now Playable On Android Through Xbox Game Pass Wed, 31 Mar 2021 21:48:10 +0000 Microsoft has added a variety of classic Xbox and Xbox 360 titles such as Banjo Kazooie, Fable II, and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion to their Xbox Cloud Gaming service.

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Play Classic Xbox Titles On the Go With Xbox Game Pass

Xbox has announced a slate of backward compatible titles that are now available through the Xbox Cloud Gaming Beta as part of your Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription. Included in this selection of new titles are some Xbox 360 classics such as Fable II, Gears of War 2, 3, and Judgement, as well as some classic Rare titles like Banjo-Kazooie, Perfect Dark, and Kameo.

There is currently a total of 16 16 original Xbox and Xbox 360, and according to the Xbox Wire post released today, there are “more games coming soon”.

“We’ve listened to the feedback, going all the way back to our earliest cloud gaming preview, and making games from previous generations available on mobile devices has been one of the most requested features by the community.” Will Tuttle, Xbox Wire Editor in Chief continued in the post.

While you do need an Xbox Bluetooth-enabled controller in order to play most of the games, there are a couple of titles with new touch controls included such as the Xbox Arcade title, Jetpac Refuelled, and both Xbox 360 Viva Piñata games.

In order to access these titles, you will need an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription and will have to download the Xbox Game Pass app. Keep in mind there are several Xbox apps available for download from the Google Play store including the Xbox app and the Xbox Game Streaming app, however, the one you need is simply called Xbox Game Pass.

Here is a complete list of all the new titles added to Xbox Cloud Gaming through Backward Compatibility: 

  • Banjo-Kazooie
  • Banjo-Tooie
  • Double Dragon Neon
  • Fable II
  • Fallout: New Vegas
  • Gears of War 2
  • Gears of War 3
  • Gears of War: Judgment
  • Jetpac Refuelled (touch controls enabled)
  • Kameo
  • Perfect Dark
  • Perfect Dark Zero
  • The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  • Viva Piñata (touch controls enabled)
  • Viva Piñata: TIP (touch controls enabled)


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The Witcher 3 Next-Gen Update to Release in the Fall Tue, 30 Mar 2021 23:12:26 +0000 CD Projekt Red has confirmed that the next-generation upgrade for The Witcher 3 will release in the 2nd half of the year.

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The Updated Version Will Be Free for Those Who Already Own the Game

The Witcher 3 developer, CD Projekt Red released a new strategy update for the company through their YouTube and social media channels earlier today. Along with announcing that the company has acquired the Canadian studio, Digital Scapes in order to open CD Projekt Vancouver, they also announced some information about their games — including the announcement that the Witcher 3’s next-generation update will be releasing later this fall.

While the bulk of the presentation focused on the company’s new direction regarding its core values and objectives moving forward, they did touch on their two most popular series, The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077.

While brief, the strategy update did mention that The Witcher 3 next-generation update will release in the 2nd half of 2021. They also announced that the mobile game spin-off, The Witcher: Monster Slayer is currently in beta for certain Android devices and is also expected to release this year. As well, they will be continuing work on the card game, GWENT.

Other than the brief mention of it releasing later this, all we know about the next-generation versions of The Witcher 3 has been known since its initial announcement in September.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is coming to PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC and will include faster load times and ray-tracing for the base game and all expansions.

The upgrade will be free for those who already own the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or current PC versions of the game and will be available for purchase as a standalone title for those who don’t. It will also allow you to continue your existing save file if playing on the same platform.

The upgrade version is currently being worked on by Saber Interactive, the development studio behind the game’s impressive Nintendo Switch port, under the direction of CD Projekt Red.


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CD Projekt Red Acquires Canadian Studio, Digital Scapes Tue, 30 Mar 2021 22:45:52 +0000 CD Projekt Red has officially acquired the Canadian development studio, Digital Scapes, rebranding it to CD Projekt Red Vancouver.

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Rebrands to CD Projekt Red Vancouver 

The developer of Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher series, CD Projekt Red has officially acquired the Canadian indie studio, Digital Scapes in order to open CD Projekt Red Vancouver.

According to a recent blog post made to the Polish developer’s website, the acquisition comes after a number of years of Digital Scapes working under CD Projekt Red on various projects such as Cyberpunk 2077.

The well-known Digital Scapes team is our trusted partner. For three years we have been closely working together, and we trust them completely. Digital Scapes have put in a great deal of work during the making of Cyberpunk 2077, assisting with development of the game and optimizing its various features.

The two studios have been working together since 2018 but now that the acquisition is official, the newly founded CD Projekt Red Vancouver will focus on improving and widening the developer’s technologies.

In addition to contributing to our projects the new team will help us perfect our technologies and will broaden our competencies in this respect” says Paweł Zawodny, Head of Production and CTO at CD Projekt Red.

The new studio will now be one of four CD Projekt Red studios and will be the only one based outside of Poland.

Founding a strong connection between the Poland-based studios and the new Canadian studio is of personal interest to CD Projekt Red Vancouver’s studio head, Marcin Chady.

Being a Polish Canadian, I personally take great satisfaction in building bridges between Canadian and Polish game development industries. This is a great opportunity for Canadian developers to get involved with CD PROJEKT RED’s incredible IP and for CD PROJEKT RED to tap into Canada’s deep talent pool and game-making craft” Chady remarks.

Aside from their work with CD Projekt Red, prior to this acquisition, Digital Scapes worked on multiple AAA titles such as Dying Light, Company of Heroes, Dead Rising, Mass Effect, and Prototype, amongst others.



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Xbox Games With Gold Titles Announced for April 2021 Tue, 30 Mar 2021 22:22:08 +0000 Microsoft has announced the next set of games coming to Xbox's Games with Gold as part of the April 2021 line-up. Check out the four new titles being offered right here.

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Four New Titles Available Through Games With Gold

Xbox has announced the latest side of titles being offered through their Games with Gold program. This month’s line-up includes four titles, two of which are exclusively available for Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, while the other two are classic Xbox 360 titles that can be played through Backward Compatibility.

Here are the four titles being offered this month:

Vikings: Wolves of Midgard – Available from April 1 to April 30
Journey to the shores of Midgard, a world based on mythology with a fantasy twist. Join a notorious band of Viking warriors and take up the fight against the fearsome Jotan and the beasts of Ragnarok. Master mighty weapons including sword and shield, two-handed hammers, axes, and bows, and vanquish the fiendish creatures of Fimbulwinter which threatens to end all life.

Truck Racing Championship – Available from April 16 to May 15
Take the wheel behind giant 5-ton, 1,000 horsepower semi-trucks in a completely new racing experience. Featuring all the unique challenges of the European Truck Racing Championship, drive 45 different vehicles in 14 worldwide circuits. Consider the weight of the truck when cornering, monitor tire wear, and find the best tactics to win the race.

Dark Void – Available from April 1 to April 15
Step into the Void, a sinister parallel world full of hostile aliens and deep mystery. Dark Void showcases powerful weapons, where a combination of ground-based combat and jetpack powered dogfights bring a thrilling dynamic. Experience the seamless transition between fight and flight in this epic adventure.

Hard Corps: Uprising – Available from April 16 to April 30
Play the retro run-and-gun action title, Hard Corps: Uprising. Write your own legend in the grueling trenches of Arcade mode or upgrade and build up your soldier in Rising mode, where only the best of the best can survive and achieve ultimate victory.

Be sure to check out the trailer below for a bit of visual insight on what to expect from each game.


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Monster Hunter Rise Sells 4 Million Copies At Launch Mon, 29 Mar 2021 22:27:18 +0000 Capcom has reported that Monster Hunter Rise has sold over 4 million copies since its release on Nintendo Switch this past Friday.

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Monster Hunter Rise Sees Incredible Launch Weekend

The latest entry in the Monster Hunter series launched this past weekend and is off to an incredible start. Capcom has announced that Monster Hunter Rise sold over 4 million copies since its launch on Friday, March 26.

Monster Hunter Rise is the latest Monster Hunter title and is available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch for the time being, with a PC version set to release sometime next year.

The game has been out for roughly 4 days and has sold about 4 million copies, which as of September 2020 is about the same sales figures as the last Monster Hunter game to hit the Nintendo Switch, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. The key difference is that Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate had been out for about 2 years at the time, while Monster Hunter Rise hasn’t even been out for a week.

It’ll still be some time until the game surpasses the reigning Monster Hunter king, Monster Hunter World, which has sold over 16 million copies across the PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 versions of the game as of November 2020.

Capcom credits part of the game’s successful launch to the two demos they made available prior to the game’s release.

“The title garnered critical acclaim following the release of two demos featuring both local and online cooperative play prior to launch, with resulting shipments exceeding 4 million units.”

It’s not just Monster Hunter Rise’s sale figures that are looking good at launch as the game has been getting critical praise and extremely positive reviews.

Monster Hunter Rise isn’t the only game from the series fans get to enjoy this year as the turn-based monster capturing spin-off, Monster Hunter Stories: Wings of Ruin is set to release this July.

Monster Hunter Rise has the potential to be the best-selling entry in the series and with Monster Hunter Stories: Wings of Ruin releasing so closely behind it, this is going to be a great year for Capcom.


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PlayStation Confirms It Will Close PS3, PSP, and PS Vita Online Stores This Summer Mon, 29 Mar 2021 21:55:48 +0000 PlayStation has confirmed that they will be closing the online stores for the PlayStation 3, PSP, and PS Vita this summer.

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Sony Is Removing Its Legacy Consoles Online Stores

If you’re mad about Nintendo removing Super Mario 3D All-Stars and Mario 35 from the eShop later this week, then prepare yourself as Sony intends on removing hundreds of games across the PlayStation store. Sony has confirmed that they will be removing the online storefronts for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, and PlayStation Vita this summer.

The PlayStation 3 store is set to close on July 2, 2021, alongside the remaining PSP purchase functionality –most of which has already been removed. Meanwhile, the PlayStation Vita store will close a little later on Aug. 27.

This update will only remove the ability to purchase these legacy titles, however, if you already own them you will still be able to re-download them to your heart’s content. If there’s anything you would like to get before the stores close for good, then we suggest you do so before the dates above. While a lot of games will still be available through purchasing used physical copies, digital-only titles or downloadable content will be extremely hard to come by when the stores close.

PS4 and PS5 games with the option for cross-buy with PS3, PSP, and PS Vita will still allow you the option to download the game to your older consoles, even if you purchase it after the legacy storefronts close.

To make things easy to understand, Sony issued a list of all of the features that will and will not be available following this change:

Features you will still be able to access:

  • You will still be able to re-download and play previously purchased game titles.
  • You will still be able to access previously purchased video/media content.
  • You will still be able to redeem game and PlayStation®Plus vouchers.
  • You will still be able to re-download and play claimed game titles through PlayStation®Plus as long as you remain a member of the service.

Features you will lose access to:

  • You will no longer be able to purchase PS3, PS Vita and PSP digital content, including games and video content.
  • You will no longer be able to make in-game purchases through games on PS3, PS Vita and PSP.
  • You will no longer be able to redeem PSN wallet fund vouchers (e.g. gift cards) on PS3, PS Vita or PSP devices once PlayStation™Store and purchase functionality for these devices close. Your PSN wallet funds will remain in your PSN account, but you will only be able to use your wallet funds to purchase PS4 and PS5 products on PlayStation™Store on the web, PlayStation®App or on PS4 and PS5 consoles.


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Nobody Saves the World Announced by Guacamelee! Developer Fri, 26 Mar 2021 22:25:28 +0000 DrinkBox Studios, the makers of Guacamelee! has announced a brand new IP "Nobody Saves the World". Coming to Xbox consoles and PC.

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Changes Forms, Change the World

DrinkBox, the developer behind the luchadorable Metroidvanias, Guacamelee! and Guacamelee! 2 has announced a brand new IP, Nobody Saves the World.

The name isn’t meant to be taken literally, somebody does save the world… er, actually it is meant to be taken literally as Nobody saves the world. Um… What we mean is, in Nobody Saves the World, you take on the role of Nobody, the game’s protagonist who stumbles upon a magic wand that allows you to transform into different forms, who will presumably save the world by the end of the game? Or at least, that’s the goal, to “beat back The Calamity and Save the World”. 

Nobody Saves the World will be releasing on PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One and will be available through Xbox Game Pass for both consoles and PC. While no release date has been given as of yet, DrinkBox has announced that the game will be coming soon.

While you’re waiting for the game to release, you can join DrinkBox Studios’ discord, or check out its Steam page.

Here are some notable gameplay features to look forward to in Nobody Saves the World:

  • 15+ distinct forms to switch between
  • Option to mix and match abilities across different forms
  • Ability to unlock more powerful forms
  • Procedurally generated dungeons scattered throughout the overworld
  • Puzzles waiting to be solved
  • A variety of quests to take on

Check out the announcement trailer below:


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Balan Wonderworld Receives Backlash Over Epilepsy Triggering Scenes Fri, 26 Mar 2021 21:42:02 +0000 There have been a number of concerns raised surrounding epileptic triggering scenes found in Balan Wonderworld's final boss fight.

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Trigger Warning to All Photosensitive Epileptic Players Looking to Try Balan Wonderworld

Balan Wonderworld released today and so far feedback on the game hasn’t been the best and we’re not just talking about the mixed reviews –for the few user reviews that exist that is– no, we’re talking some serious backlash as it was discovered that the game has some cutscenes and bosses fights that could potentially trigger seizures, dizziness, vomiting, or other symptoms for epileptic players of the game.

Promo art of Balan Wonderworld's characters.

The first reports of the game’s potential epileptic triggers came from the same GameInformer journalist that brought up concerns surrounding Cyberpunk 2077’s triggers when it released in December, Liana Ruppert. Ruppert tweeted her concerns last night before publishing an article on the subject to GameInformer’s website.

Ruppert raised concerns about how the final boss fight may be dangerous for individuals with photosensitive epilepsy before sharing reports from non-epileptic players who have experienced dizziness and discomfort from the scene themselves.

“Not to be rude, but after looking at it again in a safer setting, I’m a little disgusted. There is no way this scene passed cert and is incredibly obvious in the danger it poses.” Ruppert continued before stating that she has made contact with a representative for the game.

Earlier this morning, Balan Wonderworld made the following statement:

According to the game’s media team, the Day 1 Patch will prevent any issue regarding the photosensitive epilepsy risks, amongst other unrelated improvements. However, Ruppert still had some concerns regarding how these scenes made it into the game in the first place.

At this time, Balan Wonderworld has not made any further statements regarding the epilepsy issues found in the game. Whether this delay was intentional or not is unclear, but things aren’t looking good for Balan Wonderworld on launch day.


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Ghost of Tsushima Film Announced With John Wick’s Chad Stahelski Directing Fri, 26 Mar 2021 01:22:45 +0000 Ghost of Tsushima is being adapted into a film with John Wick's Chad Stahelski directing. The game's developer, Sucker Punch Productions will serve as Executive Producers on the film.

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Witness Ghost of Tsushima’s Epic Tale on the Big Screen

Sony Pictures and PlayStation Productions are working on a film adaptation of the PlayStation 4 exclusive, Ghost of Tsushima. The game, originally developed by Sucker Punch Productions and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment has been met with critical praise since its release in July 2020, and it seems Sony hopes to continue that success with a new film.

Ghost of Tsushima

According to a report from Deadline, the movie will see Chad Stahelski, known for his work on the John Wick films, as the director. Stahelski, along with Alex Young and Jason Spitz will produce the film through their company 87Eleven Entertainment, alongside PlayStation Production’s Asad Qizilbash and Carter Swan.

“We’re excited to be partnering with Chad and 87Eleven Entertainment, to bring their vision of Jin’s story to the big screen,” Asad Qizilbash, Head of PlayStation Productions told Deadline. “We love working with creative partners like Chad, who have a passion for our games, ensuring we can create rich adaptations that will excite our fans and new audiences.”

Sucker Punch Productions will serve as Executive Producers and will be lead by Peter Kang.

Assuming the film will follow the same narrative as the game, we’ll soon be able to see the story of Jin Sakai on the big screen. Jin wakes up after a devastating battle with the invading Moguls and believes himself to be the last surviving member of his clan. Jin has to decide whether to stay true to his beliefs as a Samurai or to steer off the beaten path in the fight to take back Tsushima.

A film adaption of Ghost of Tsushima really brings things full-circle as the game itself takes heavy inspiration from Samurai films. Ghost of Tsushima has not only been a successful video game but has had a meaningful impact on Tsushima Island. The game’s community has even helped fundraise to cover the costs to repair a Torii Gate that was destroyed during a storm on Tsushima island, and the game’s developers were recently declared official Tourism Ambassadors for the island.


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The Lord of the Rings: Gollum Has a Stealthy New Gameplay Trailer Thu, 25 Mar 2021 23:50:49 +0000 The Lord of the Rings: Gollum has received a new trailer highlighting some stealth gameplay and platforming during tonight's Future Games Spring Showcase.

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The Game Looks… Precious. 

Lord of the Rings fans gets excited as a new trailer for The Lord of the Rings: Gollum dropped during tonight’s Future Games Spring Showcase. The Sneak Peek Trailer is only 50 seconds but features some gameplay for the upcoming action-adventure title by Daedalic Entertainment.


The game is set to release for Xbox and PlayStation consoles, Nintendo Switch, and PC sometime in 2022, and is being developed by Daedalic Entertainment and co-published by Daedalic Entertainment and Nacon.

The game will throw players into the role of fan-favorite Lord of the Rings character, Gollum, and will follow his journey from his time as a slave to his stay with the Elves of Mirkwood. The game aims to show you Gollum’s complete story in a way the films and books haven’t in the past.

It appears as if Stealth will be a major aspect of this game as the trailer shows off Gollum sneaking around, climbing, and jumping across platforms in an attempt to avoid enemies. Don’t expect much combat in the game but apparently, Gollum isn’t scared to “assassinate a careless enemy when the chance presents itself”. 

Here is a brief description of the game taken from its Steam store page:

“Athletic and agile, sneaky and cunning. Driven by the desire to once again hold in his hands what he lost, Gollum is one of the most fascinating characters in the world of The Lord of the Rings™He has seen things that others can not imagine, he has survived things that others would not dare mention. Torn by his split personality, he can be vicious and villainous as Gollum, but social and cautious as Sméagol.

The decisions you make and the way you play have a direct influence on Gollum’s personality: Always struggling between the two sides embodied by Gollum and Sméagol, it is up to you to decide whether the darker side of Gollum takes over or if there is a spark of reason left in what once was Sméagol. One mind, two egos – you decide!”

You can view the full trailer for Lord of the Rings: Gollum right here:

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Rocket League Spin-off, Sideswipe Announced for Mobile Release Wed, 24 Mar 2021 23:50:08 +0000 Rocket League developer, Psyonix has announced a new standalone spin-off for the game coming to Android and iOS later this year.

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A New Rocket League Game Is Coming

Rocket League is getting a standalone mobile game spin-off. The series’ developer, Psyonix announced that Rocket League Sideswipe will be making its way to mobile platforms later this year. The game takes the core gameplay the original title is known for but gives it the modifications necessary for a mobile release.

In Rocket League Sideswipe, players will play in either a 1v1 or 2v2 remote control car-controlled soccer game. Games will fast-paced, short, and sweet lasting about 2-minutes per match. Players will have the option to queue solo, or to play with a friend online.

One advantage of the game being developed specifically for mobile release is the added motion controls. The game will include some staple features Rocket League is known for, such as competitive online play, a competitive ranking system, and a garage filled with customizable cars.

The game will be released worldwide later this year for iOS and Android. Players in Australia and New Zealand can start playing today by participating in a limited-time Regional Alpha test on Android via the Google Play Store.

You can check out the announcement trailer for Rocket League Sideswipe right here. The trailer features some Alpha gameplay footage.


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Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Available On Steam As Of Today Wed, 24 Mar 2021 23:30:07 +0000 Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 officially released on Steam today with a special launch edition adding exclusive Sonic the Hedgehog-themed items to the game.

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Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Finally Lands On PC

Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 which originally released for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch last year, officially released on Steam earlier today. The game released with a special launch edition that includes an exclusive “Skill Battle Booster Pack” with Sonic the Hedgehog item cards for the game’s Skill Battle Mode.

Some notable features included in the Steam version of the game:

  • With 40 playable characters, the roster is the most complete in the series. Each has their own stats and abilities to take advantage of in Talent Fighting mode, including the new baby Sonic The Hedgehog.
  • Different varied modes allow you to experience the original gameplay and modern variations of the legendary puzzle game, such as Trade and Party modes .
  • Expanded Adventure Mode with an original storyline brings together a luxury cast for a thrilling exploration of the game’s vast maps
  • Numerous online multiplayer possibilities as well as a cooperative Boss Raid mode where you have to coordinate with three other players to defeat formidable bosses controlled by the CPU
  • A new Spectator mode to take advantage of the talents of other players in Versus and Skill Battle modes.
  • Of accessibility options to change the colors and saturation during game
  • And much more!

The game costs $29.99 USD/$34.99 CAD. You can check out our review of the PlayStation 4 version of the game, right here.

You can check out the game’s Steam launch trailer right here:


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Monster Hunter Rise May Be a GOTY Contender – Review Round Up Tue, 23 Mar 2021 23:31:00 +0000 Reviews are coming out for the latest release in the Monster Hunter franchise and so far, it seems that Monster Hunter Rise might be the best of them all.

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Is Monster Hunter Rise the Best in the Series?

Initial reviews are out for the Nintendo Switch exclusive, Monster Hunter Rise, and so far — they’re looking great. The game is currently sitting at a Metacritic score of 87 across 61 critic reviews and is ranked as the second-highest Nintendo Switch game so far this year, right behind the 1st party title, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury which has an 89.

In order to give you a bit of an idea of what people who already got their hands on the game are thinking, we put together a little round-up of what some of the reviewers think of the latest Monster Hunter release.

IGN Japan: 100 – Hiroaki Mabuchi

“While the essential component of repeatedly hunting monsters remains the same, the action elements have been refined with the introduction of the Wirebug and Switch Skill systems, and even monsters from previous games offer a fresh hunting challenge. The new Rampage mode, where the player must battle multiple large monsters at once, offers a stunning balance of difficulty and variety.”

Switch Player: 100 – Nathan Ellingsworth

“Monster Hunter Rise is a success built on years of gradual improvements, but it also takes some giant Wirebug leaps forward to deliver an unforgettable and endlessly thrilling adventure. This is a new contender for the best game on Switch.”

TheGamer: 90 – Sergio Solórzano

“It’s a great entry point thanks to the Village Quests and helpful dog companion. If you’re a fan who already pre-ordered and want to know if it’s good, rest assured. You might actually like Rise better than World, as it brings back some of the strategic variety while building on more recent quality-of-life updates. It’s a shame that the Switch holds the game back in small ways, but this is a contender for best in the series. If post-launch support is as good as it was for World, this game could easily rise above the rest.”

TheSixthAxis: 90 – Dominic L

“Monster Hunter Rise is an incredible game. While it may not feel quite as ground-breaking for the series as World did, it boasts a stronger and distinctly Japanese identity, and the changes and streamlined gameplay simply focus on the franchise’s true stars – the monsters. Rise is easily one of the best games for the Nintendo Switch, and one of the finest Monster Hunters ever.”

Easy Allies: 90 – Ben Moore

“Even with a few complaints, Monster Hunter Rise is an excellent addition to a series that carries high expectations. Rather than just follow what’s been successful in the past, Rise goes out of its way to experiment with bold new ideas that make it a more captivating game, whether it’s your first Monster Hunter or you’ve cooked thousands of well-done steaks before. The modest power of the Switch does little to diminish the thrill of the hunt, considering how great the game looks and runs. Without a doubt, Rise isn’t just a worthwhile Monster Hunter entry, but an essential game for anyone who owns Nintendo’s hybrid console.”

Nintendo Life: 90 – Sayem Ahmed

“New mechanics, monsters and a gorgeous setting make Monster Hunter Rise a new high-water mark for the franchise. The Wirebug, Switch Skills, Palamute and carefully thought-out monsters shake things up enough to make the game feel fresh for hunters who have previously spent thousands of hours with the series, and while the package could be slightly intimidating for newcomers, it’s arguably the ideal place to get started if you’re serious about getting into the franchise. And, with a peerless four-player multiplayer experience, the new Rampage quests are a blast. After spending some serious time with the game, it’s very easy to say that Monster Hunter Rise is one of the strongest entries into the franchise to date, and another stone-cold classic for the Nintendo Switch.”

So, what do you think? Will you be picking up Monster Hunter Rise later this week? Let us know down in the comments, or hit us up on Twitter or Facebook.


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N64 Classic Remaster, Shadow Man Receives a PC Release Date Tue, 23 Mar 2021 23:11:30 +0000 Shadow Man Remastered has received a release date for the PC version of the game and its coming next month on April 15, 2021.

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Something Is Creeping in the Shadows, Man

The classic title based on the Valiant Entertainment comic series, Shadow Man is getting remastered by developer Nightdive Studios who had previously re-released the game in 2014. The game debuted back in 1999 when it released for the Nintendo 64, PlayStation, PC, and Dreamcast by its original developer, Acclaim Studios Teesside. The Remastered version, which was announced last year, has received a release date for its PC launch.

The game will be hitting PC through the Steam and GOG stores on April 15, 2021, with Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One versions coming at a later date this year.

In an interview with IGN, Nightdive Studios CEO Stephen Kick mentioned a few notable changes made in the remaster.

“The most meaningful change from an artistic perspective is the lighting. Our developers have implemented fully dynamic lighting to create a new but familiar world to explore. The particles, projectiles, and flames all emanate an eerie other-worldly glow that cast haunting shadows. When you’re playing a horror game the lighting plays a huge role in creating the atmosphere and we wanted to ensure that we contributed to the feeling of dread you experience in both the Liveside and Deadside levels.”

Along with the updated visuals, the game will feature new levels, bosses, improved controls, and content that never made it into the original 1999 release due to the addition of the Nintendo 64, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One additions of the game.

Kick explained that he believes the game still holds up over 20-years later, “I think Shadow Man still holds up over 20 years after its initial release for a myriad of reasons”.

Shadow Man Remastered will include the following features:

  • 4K widescreen support
  • Dynamic shadow mapping and per-pixel lighting
  • High Dynamic Range (HDR) rendering
  • Content cut from the original 1999 release


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Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville (Switch) Review – Simple Chaotic Fun Tue, 23 Mar 2021 16:02:14 +0000 Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville Complete Edition's vibrant third-person shooter gameplay has landed on the Nintendo Switch, here's what we thought!

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Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville (Switch) Review

Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville is a game I didn’t know too much about before heading into it. I was familiar with its predecessors, Garden Warfare and Garden Warfare 2, but have never played either of them. As a fan of third-person shooters like Saints Row and Grand Theft Auto, and multiplayer games like Overwatch, I was interested in Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville so when the opportunity to review the game arose, and I must say, I’m pleasantly surprised with how much I’ve enjoyed my time with the game.

Originally released in 2019 for PC, Xbox One and PS4 by the developer, PopCap, Battle for Neighborville has finally made its way to Nintendo Switch under the care of QLOC. The game features a variety of characters, vibrant and thematic worlds, and fun and addictive third-person shooter gameplay.

It’s Your Town and You Have to Fight for It

Unlike its predecessors’ Battle for Neighborville surprisingly features a single-player mode. Now, I wouldn’t recommend picking this game up based on its single-player alone. If you’re looking for an engrossing story or lengthy campaign, you’ll likely found yourself pretty disappointed. However, if you’re just looking for a series of fun single-player missions to take on in between or in place of multiplayer matches, then Battle for Neighborville is a great choice for you.

Single-player missions can task you with anything from saving plants in trouble, killing hordes of enemies, defending an area, or taking down a boss. The variety in the single-player mode is pretty extensive and makes each mission feel different enough from the last to keep you interested in playing. The missions in question are scattered across the hub world of Sundrop Hills. You are able to freely roam around the world, accepting missions and activities, while avoiding or killing enemies scattered across the town similar to games like Borderlands or Saints Row. You’ll also find that you’ll be playing on the side of the plants, with a variety of Attack, Defense, Support, and Swarm characters to choose from. The game also features a variety of enemies and exciting boss battles that actually offer a decent bit of challenge.

If you are the type to cringe at the sound of a pun or cheesy joke, then the single-player might be hard for you to sit through as almost every character’s name and location is some sort of pun, from Olds Cool to Air Ron. However, if you don’t mind this type of humor then the game can be pretty funny and might even put a smile on your face.

Take the Fight Online

Battle for Neighborville features a variety of multiplayer options from its King of the Hill mode and Turf Takeover to your standard Team Deathmatch mode, Team Vanquish. Depending on which team you land on, you’ll either be able to choose from the same selection of playable Plant characters from the single-player mode, or a selection of Zombies from the same class types.

Online multiplayer seems to run fine from my experience with it. I didn’t have any trouble finding a match and I found the variety of game types and the level of competition enjoyable for a newcomer to the series. The hub world, however, is extremely confusing and overly busy. You do have the option to access some of the online game modes through a menu, but they will only somewhat help alleviate this problem as they still spawn you into the hub world, just to the correct location.

Considering the game types offered and character classes to choose from, Battle for Neighborville feels like a third-person version of Overwatch with its own unique style and world.

Unique World and Presentation

Speaking of style, the game actually looks really good — most of the time. Running on the Frostbite engine, Battle for Neighborville is an incredibly vibrant and stylish game that looks rather impressive on the Nintendo Switch while docked. However, the resolution drops in handheld mode which eliminates a lot of the details in the game, and for an experience as busy as this one, its quite noticeable. The world itself is really cool and feels very well-thought-out and detailed, but it’s easy to get lost in everything going on — a problem that only gets amplified in handheld mode.

Between the unique art-style, signature plant and zombie character designs the series has been known for, and the fun and exciting music, Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville is easily recognizable and has done a great job establishing its brand and universe.

Overall, I had a really fun time with Battle for Neighborville and still feel like I only scratched the surface on the amount of gameplay and replayability the game offers. If you’re looking for an easy pickup and play title with some fun and chaotic third-person shooter gameplay, then Battle for Neighborville is a great choice for you. However, if you’re looking for a deep story or are turned off by “childish” writing, then it might be best to avoid picking this game up. While I think this game is great for any age, I would definitely recommend picking this up for a child old enough to get into a shooter, but too young for more mature games like Call of Duty or Apex Legends — if they like Splatoon, they’ll like Battle for Neighborville!

**Nintendo Switch code provided by the publisher**

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Monster Harvest Combines Pokemon’s Creatures With Stardew Valley’s Farming Mon, 22 Mar 2021 23:30:32 +0000 Monster Harvest is an upcoming Indie title, combining Pokemon's monster collecting and turn-based battling with Stardew Valley's farming mechanics.

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Beloved Genres Combine in New Indie Title

Merge Games has announced a brand new Indie game IP titled Monster Harvest. The game combines monster capturing gameplay from series like Pokemon with farming and resource management seen in games like Stardew Valley or Story of Seasons –all packaged in a cute 2D pixelated art-style.

The game is being developed by Maple Powered Games, a small Canada-based Indie studio. It will be released digitally on May 13 for PC and Nintendo Switch, with further digital releases for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One coming June 3. Physical releases for the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 versions will release on June 4.

Here is the official description taken from the game’s Steam page:

“Monster Harvest is a monster collecting and farming action RPG with a twist! Grow, collect and mutate your crops then take them into battle! Filled with places to discover and multiple ways to build your farm, get ready to craft, explore and battle across the vibrant world of Planimal Point.”

The game will feature 72 different Planimal mutations to create and collect through the game’s farming mechanics. Some of which will stick with you through turn-based battles as you adventure out to take down the game’s evil corporation, SlimeCo.

Here is a list of notable features present in the game:

Features Overview

  • Farm with mutants! Use magical slimes to mutate the crops you grow on your farm.
  • Collectible Planimal companions! Some slimes mutate your crops into Planimals!
  • Take your loyal companions into battle as you look to save Planimal Point from the Evil SlimeCo.
  • Three unique seasons: Dry, Wet, and Dark – Strange weather and seasons shift what the player can grow.
  • Venture into the town of Planimal Point – Discover the people and creatures that live there, build relationships to gain discounts in stores.
  • Craft dozens of items for your farm and your house.

You can view the trailer for the game below.



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Microsoft Officially Rebrands Xbox Live to Xbox Network Mon, 22 Mar 2021 23:09:29 +0000 Microsoft has officially rebranded Xbox Live to Xbox Network to distinguish the Xbox Live Gold subscription from their online services as a whole.

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Xbox Live Is Changing 

After 18 years using the Xbox Live name, Microsoft has officially begun rebranding the service to the new Xbox Network. Earlier today, Xbox players began to notice that Xbox Live features have been changed to the new title “Xbox Network” leading to speculation over Microsoft dropping the Xbox Live branding entirely.

Turns out, they are. According to a report from The Verge reporter, Tom Warren. Warren received a comment on the matter from a Microsoft representative.

“’Xbox network’ refers to the underlying Xbox online service, which was updated in the Microsoft Services Agreement, the update from ‘Xbox Live’ to ‘Xbox network’ is intended to distinguish the underlying service from Xbox Live Gold memberships.”

In the past, there has been some speculation about Microsoft canceling their Xbox Live Gold subscription service as Xbox Game Pass becomes more and more popular. However, Microsoft has no plans of removing or discontinuing their Xbox Live Gold subscriptions, rather they are just using the Xbox Network branding to distinguishing the subscription from the service as a whole. Meaning the ‘Xbox Network’ encompasses everything from Xbox Live Gold to Xbox Game Pass and then some.

The plot has been thickening for some time on what Microsoft will do with the service. This past August, a spokesperson confirmed to Warren that they wouldn’t be rebranding the Xbox Live service anytime soon.

This past Sunday, Warren reposted the article in a response to the rumours of the rebranding happening sometime this week, stating that “the Gold price backlash was certainly a wake up call internally at Microsoft”.

Back in January, Xbox announced a substantial price increase for the service and was met with a barrage of criticism before promptly reversing their decision. Not only did they decide to keep the price the same, they even ensured that Xbox Live Gold would not be required for free-to-play games.


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